Our New Year's Gift to You: Eat Real to Heal with Nicolette Richer

At the November 2019 Who Is Carter Gala, keynote speaker and regenerative health educator Nicolette Richer shared powerful testimonies--from clients and her own family--of the power food has to heal the body of everything from concussions to chronic illnesses. 

You are entering into a new year--no doubt with goals and intentions to improve and transform yourself.  We want to support your transformation with a special gift just for the Who Is Carter community.  Nicolette offers a 5-Week Online Course specifically designed to activate your body's ability to reverse disease from the comfort of your own home.  The Eat Real to Heal Online Course normally sells for $600.00 (Canadian—about $465 US dollars), but Who Is Carter supporters receive a 50% discount! 

According to the World Health Organization, chronic disease and mood disorders are higher than ever witnessed in history and at epidemic levels.  Nicolette and her team are committed to showing individuals how to reverse their chronic disease using unrefined plant-based whole foods and lifestyle medicine.  Nicolette’s vision is to help as many people as possible achieve the richest health and life imaginable.  

Click here to receive 50% Off: 5 Week Eat Real to Heal Online Course
Register Directly: http://bit.ly/WIC50OFF
Enter Coupon Code WICFOUNDATION at CheckOut

Cheers to your health in 2020…and drop us an email about your experience as you Eat Real to Heal!

Emily Abbott